Graeme Koelwyn

Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Tier II in Public Health 'Omics in Exercise and Disease

Health Sciences

Graeme Koelwyn

Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair Tier II in Public Health 'Omics in Exercise and Disease

Health Sciences


  • BSc, University of Calgary
  • MSc, University of British Columbia
  • PhD, New York University


Graeme Koelwyn received his PhD in Pathobiology and Translational Medicine at the NYU School of Medicine in 2019. He then completed his postdoctoral training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. He joined the SFU FHS in 2021.

Graeme Koelwyn is also a Principal Investigator at the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation at St. Paul’s Hospital.

Research Interests

Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing a number of health conditions, including cancer, heart and lung disease. Yet how exercise leads to such protection – or the mechanisms by which exercise increases an individual’s resilience to disease onset and progression – is not fully understood. This information is critical so we can better understand who may benefit most from exercise, when it may be most beneficial, and at what amount, or dose, it is most effective. The Koelwyn lab is particularly interested in how exercise modulates the inflammatory-immune axis to improve outcomes in individuals at risk for, or diagnosed with, cancer and/or cardiopulmonary diseases. We utilize a translational ‘omics-based research framework spanning molecular, cellular, tissue and systemic (host) biology, integrated with epidemiology and computational approaches, to discern the mechanisms of exercise-induced disease protection.

The lab is actively seeking graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Interested candidates should apply directly to Graeme Koelwyn at


Graeme Koelwyn’s publications


Future courses may be subject to change.