Robert Hogg

SFU Distinguished Professor Associate Dean, Research

Health Sciences

Robert Hogg

SFU Distinguished Professor, Associate Dean, Research

Health Sciences

Areas of interest

HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral therapy, marginalized populations, population health


  • MA Anthropology, University of Victoria
  • Ph.D Demography, Australian National University


Professor Hogg is a Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and Senior Research Scientist at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. His academic training includes graduate degrees in Anthropology and Demography. Dr. Hogg’s research program strives to evaluate how: therapy optimism affects gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men’s sexual behavior and rates of new infections; long-term antiretroviral use affects aging and aging related comorbidities; and how different supportive service models of care in British Columbia impact antiretroviral uptake, adherence and retention among these vulnerable groups.

Research interests

  • The health status of persons with HIV/AIDS
  • Current treatment and management practices for persons with HIV/AIDS
  • The health status of marginalized populations
  • The health status of indigenous peoples

Publications and activities

Robert Hogg publications and activities