
Read Joy's thoughts on current events and topics, reports to SFU's Board of Governors and messages sent to the SFU community.

From the President's Desk




  • August 19, 2022

    I became president of SFU in September 2020, several months into the global COVID-19 shutdown. Because of that, I’ve spent most of my time as president connecting with the SFU community and our partners through Zoom screens, phone calls and emails. As the world has slowly opened up over the past year, I have enjoyed getting to spend more time on our campuses, seeing people face-to-face again—and most recently, travelling.

  • February 15, 2022

    I was honoured to speak at the Vancouver Institute about how embracing difference at all levels of the university—from teaching and research to community engagement—can help universities carve out that path and contribute to the larger public good as we enter a post-COVID world.